Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On the Road!

This entry will be short and sweet. Hope to elaborate later, but with a poor internet connection, no ability to load photos and the dark clouds building outside, I am going to make this a quickie.

Dad and I left Christchurch yesterday morning at 7:15am. We loaded up our panniers, strapped things tight and did a brief shake down ride behind our hotel. All felt and looked good and we were eager to get on our way. We rode through a huge park and across part of town to the rail station where we caught the TransApline Scenic train that took us up and over the Alps via Arthur's Pass to the West Coast and the town of Greymouth. It was a beautifully scenic train trip. I am hoping to experience it once more (this time by bike) on my way back to Christchurch when I do the Southern half of the island in a couple weeks.

Upon arrival in Greymouth we bought some groceries for a day or two and set out for our 30 mile ride up the coast to Punakaiki National Park. We were like a couple of kiddies who just entered the gates of Disneyland. We were so thrilled to finally be on our bikes - our dream of biking New Zealand was now our reality!

The weather was perfect... in fact, yup you guessed it, Dad is once again our good luck charm and we had a nice tail wind helping us up the climbed as we made our way up the coast. The scenery was spectacular. Think Big Sur meets Maui. Lush rainforest, but without the heat. Dad loved that!

We got into the park in the late afternoon and checked out the visitor center. We learned that there is much to see and do around here. We found a lovely place to stay and with the dollar strong, we splurged and bedded ourselves down in a nice little cabin. $12 bucks each - can't complain about that.

After settling in, we checked out the area, cleaned up and then I made us our first camp meal. Smoked salmon with a portabello, red pepper, and zuchinni risotto with herbs. Tough livin'. Tea and biscuits for dessert and we were ready to turn in. First day on the road couldn't have been sweeter.

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