Friday, March 13, 2009

Agnes and Akmed

Adria and her passport saga:

So, yea... veteran traveler Adria misplaced her passport while moving from the international to the domestic terminal at the airport in Aukland. Big bummer. Frustrating. Embarrassing. I could go on.

But on to a better story...

So, one night in Christchurch when Dad decided to stay in, I headed out of the hotel to find a bite to eat for dinner. The moment I left the hotel, the heavens opened and it rained. Hard. While walking I met up with a woman from Switzerland that I had spoken to briefly at the hotel. In true travelers fashion, we fell into step with each other and went to the same cafe for dinner. Our dinner conversation was interesting to say the least. This woman was in her 60s and had lived a full life (including traveling around the world not once, but twice). Conversation led to health, politics and general philosophies on life. At one point she leaned in to me (she was hard of hearing) and told me about Akmed. She said he was some sort of shaman, or mystic or something... I was politely listening to keep the evening rolling along. So Akmed, according to Agnes, has the ability to find things that you have lost. She proceeded to tell me about some things that she had lost and that, sure enough, Akmed would find the item for you if you prayed and asked him to find it for you. Only catch? When he does find it, you have to sing him a song...

Nice story. We finished our dinner and had a brisk walk back to our hotel in the pouring rain, thanked each other for the company and wished each other good night.

The next day, while biking with Dad after our train ride through the Alps, it dawns on me. Agnes and Akmed. Was that a sign? I mean, why would this woman, who I've never met, tell me, out of the blue, about praying to some shaman to ask for help when you've lost something (she had no idea that I had lost my passport). I blurt out to Dad, "I have to pray to Akmed and ask him to help me find my passport!" I mean, what could I lose? We laughed about it and continued riding. As I pedaled behind Dad, watching his yellow panniers sway from side to side, I prayed. "Akmed, I lost my passport. Would you please, please help me find it?" We'll see about Akmed.

Well. Today was the cut-off day I had given myself for the missing passport. If I didn't hear from the police, I would be booking my flight back to Aukland to pay all of the crazy fees at the US Embassy to replace my stupid passport. At around 3pm, while riding along sheep-filled green pasture land I hear music. At first I thought it was an apporaching car blasting their radio. Then it dawned on me... The cell phone we rented is ringing. Must be Mom! I pull off the road and answered the phone. A woman is on the line. Mom, I thought, but not with that accent. Sure enough it was a woman from the Aukland Airport Police Dept. They had found my passport. Wow! After getting off the phone I hooped and hollered and celebrated with Dad and the sheep. We continued riding and after a few more outbursts of joy, I thanked Akmed with a song. Amazing Grace... Ani D. style. "I once was lost... but now I'm found... Was blind, but now I see..." Thank You Akmed!


  1. Hey, Greg - your mirror is on the wrong side. Oh, wait...

    It's good to see a pic of you two on bikes!


  2. Loved your story of Akmed and Agnes! So cool! Wish I could have been there to hear your celebratory song of gratitude. Such a perfect song, Adria! So glad the lost is found and you can proceed on your journey as planned. So nice to know you have a friend in Akmed if you have other "episodes" on your trip.
    Now only if you both can find the shaman who heals stomach ailments and achy muscles!
    It is so cool how Spirit brings along "gifts and sages" along our paths.
    Love you!

  3. This proves the point that you're living right, Adria. Now you can enjoy the rest of the ride. Love you!

  4. Way to go Akmed! Great story and of course I like your song selection. You two look pretty happy and those bright orange vests look even better on you than tucked away in my truck for how many years...I count six.
    Ride Safe~
